Booking Instructions for a Poetry Reading
Send me an email at [email protected] with these details.
- Duration of performance (for example, just one poem on a theme or how many minutes)
- If there is a specific theme to the event, let me know, so that I can cater my set to it or write an occasional poem.
- The time and date of the event
- The address of the venue or how to access the online event
- Suggested parking locations (especially in San Francisco or other major cities)
- Payment and/or perks, if applicable.
- More than likely I would be happy to read at your online event via zoom or local in person event here in the San Francisco Bay Area depending on my schedule.
- I prefer to perform in the afternoon or evenings.
- Please check my reading schedule in advance to ensure I am available. While I occasionally do more than one event in a day, I need a few hours of time to rest in between performances.
- You’re more likely to get a yes if it isn’t a last minute request. I often know about gigs months in advance. I also need time to prepare my set, rehearse, and figure out travel logistics.
- I occasionally travel to Oklahoma to see family, so I am open to featured readings in Oklahoma as well as California.
If you’d like me to read longer than 5 minutes at in person events, for accessibility reasons, please provide:
- a podium or music stand (or let me know if I need to bring my own)
- I do not own a mic stand and PA system, so the venue must provide amplification.
Please do not ask me to bring food, move furniture, or assist in event planning. I am a writer and performer, not a caterer, interior designer, nor event coordinator.
Due to health issues, I am not willing to endure air travel just to read one poem. Were I to consider traveling out of state, it would need to be a paid featured set. I would also need travel/lodging reimbursements to financially justify going to other states. So perhaps, ask me to appear via zoom instead, and I’d more than likely be honored by your request and say yes.
Please note: If you contact me in an attempt to sell me goods or services, your message will be ignored and/or marked as spam. Despite widespread recognition, poetry is a hobby for me that does not earn me a profit, and I do not have unlimited funds available to hire you.
Please see the Frequently Asked Questions page.